Pilot Registration

Become a Catalyst of Innovation – Be a YESIST12 Pilot!

Do you have a passion for driving innovation and nurturing young talents? Here’s your chance to be a crucial part of IEEE YESIST12, a global platform for student innovation. As a Pilot, you play a pivotal role in conducting the preliminary round of this esteemed competition.

Who can be the Pilot?

Pilots are selected worldwide to host the preliminary round of IEEE YESIST12. We welcome individuals, IEEE members, sections, universities, and industry enthusiasts who are eager to contribute to fostering innovation.

As potential pilots for IEEE YESIST12, here’s a concise guide outlining the crucial steps for a successful engagement:

  • Step 1: Kickstart the Pilot process by registering your interest here.

  • Step 2: Expect a confirmation email within 7-10 days post-registration.

  • Step 3: Engage in the pilot training session.

  • Step 4: Thoughtfully schedule and submit the preliminary date through Preliminary Date Submission Form. Coordinate with your organization to decide the optimal timing before March 2024.

  • Step 5: Upon completion of step 3 & 4 submission, you will receive a unique registration link for your organization via email.

  • Step 6: Effectively promote the prelims within your Section/Region using the YESIST12 brand toolkit

    • Ensure at least 30 teams from diverse Student Branches participate.
    • Seek approval for outreach material from the IEEE YESIST12 Team.
    • Close abstract submissions 7 days before the prelims date.
    • Explore funding/sponsorship opportunities in IEEE.
    • Collect registration fees if required.

  • Step 7: Invite judges from academia and industry by leveraging platforms such as LinkedIn/IEEE Collabratec to connect with professionals in your local community.

  • Step 8: Execute prelims using the provided evaluation sheet in accordance with the brand toolkit.

  • Step 9: Submit a comprehensive report and results as directed.

  • Step 10: Actively encourage a broader audience to attend the grand finale.

  • Step 11: If possible, assist in identifying potential new pilots within your locality.

Your efforts drive the success of YESIST12 Prelims. Best of luck on this journey of innovation and excellence


Pilot Registration
Last date - 21 𝙅𝙖𝙣𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙮 2025